In this post, we will give you detailed instructions about how to install WordPress on your web hosting server. Follow these guidelines if you want to install the latest WordPress CMS version.

Get Free and Easy WordPress installation by Paramount WP! We know that a manual WordPress installation requires some time and effort. To spare you of these, our WordPress specialists can assist you in downloading and installing WordPress on your server.

If you still want to give it a try, here are the steps to set up WordPress on your hosting server.

Step 1: Download the WordPress installation package To start the installation process, first you need to download WordPress from its official download page. We recommend that you always download and install the latest stable version of WordPress.


Once you click on the Download button for the latest WordPress version, the installation package will be saved to your hard disk. Locate the installation package that you’ve just downloaded, and extract it to a new folder.

Step 2: Upload the WordPress Files to Your Server Now, you need to upload the extracted files and folders to your web server. The easiest way to upload the installation files is via FTP like Filezilla. You can also use the hosting server file manager system to upload the WordPress zipped file: cPanel -> File Manager -> Upload file(s). Once you have uploaded the zip file, you need to extract it.

If you want your WordPress website to be the main installation on your account and to be accessible through your primary domain (i.e., you need to upload the zipped/extracted files to your public_html folder.

Step 3: Create a MySQL Database for WordPress to use You need to create a MySQL database and assign a user to it with full permissions. The different hosting servers may have different ways to do this. The general way to do this is by logging in to your hosting server, locate MySQL Databases or just Databases, create a new database. After creating the database, create a new user. Use a strong password while creating the user and do remember to note down the Database Name, Username, and Password. We will require this in the next steps while installing WordPress. Once you have created the user, you will have an option to assign the user to the database (CPanel). Assign the user, and check all the permissions.

Step 4: Go through the installation process Now it’s time to navigate to your website to start with the installation process. If you have uploaded WordPress in your public_html directory you’ll need to go to in your preferred browser. The first thing you will notice is a message, telling you that you don’t have a wp-config.php file and you should create one. Just click on the Create a Configuration File button to proceed.


On the next page, you will see a message asking you to prepare the necessary information for the installation. Since we already have this information, simply press the Go! button.


Enter the details for your newly created MySQL database and press the Submit button.


WordPress will now check if your settings are correct. If you have entered all the necessary information, you will see a confirmation screen. Press the Run the Install button to proceed.


On the next screen, you will have to enter the information about your administrative username and the title of your new site. In addition, you can specify whether you want search engines to index your site or not. Never keep the username as “admin”. Choose any username except “admin” for security purposes. Also, try that you choose a strong password. Once you fill in that information, press the Install WordPress button. You should specify a real email address. It can be used later in case you forget your password. Remember the username and password you insert here. These will be used while logging into the WordPress backend admin panel after installation.


That’s it! Your new WordPress application is installed. You can use the Login button to access your administrative backend and start posting in your new site.

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